About us

Thursday, 23 January 2025


About us


The Lao People’s Army Newspaper was early known as the Lao People’s Liberation Army Newspaper during the war for independence. It was first published as monthly newspaper starting from January 20, 1965 in resistance revolutionary base at Viengxai District, Houaphan Province.  After the country had been liberated, its office was moved to Vientiane Capital and the newspaper was, then, developed to weekly publish starting from January 20, 1976. It has been changed its name to the Lao People’s Army Newspaper since 1982. In September 2003, it was published two issues a week. From May 5, 2008 up to the present. It has been developed to a daily newspaper.

Col. Vixai Borbaykham was the founder and Editor in Chief from 1965-1988.
1988 – 1992  Maj. Soulanh Dymavong was the Acting Editor in Chief.
1992 – 2000  Col. Kanhthong Soukleuangkham was the Editor in Chief.
2000 – 2011 Col. Chansy Khammy was the Editor in Chief.
2012 – 2014 Lt. Col. Songdeth Vongphouthone was the Editor in Chief.
2015 – The present Col. Khamsao Keoviseth is the Editor in Chief.

The Structure of the Lao People’s Army Newspaper:

Board of Editors

Col. Khamsao Keoviseth, Editor in Chief
Lt. Col. Aphay Aphayavong, Deputy Editor in Chief
Lt. Col. Khonsavanh Xayalath, Deputy Editor in Chief


Section of News in the Army

Maj. Vansay Saysavat
Capt. Ms.Yomphet Vilayphanh
Maj. Ms.Choy Phetdavone
Maj. Sengaloune Pathoumthong
Maj. Somphone Sysoumang
Maj. Avoun Inluangheung
Capt. chit Phetphouthong
Capt. Buala Solavanh
Capt. Ms.Naly Thaviphone
Lt. Phet Somnorvanh
Lt. Somkhit phoummichit
Sgt. Phonexay Phonesavanh

Section of Socio-economic and Cultural News

Lt. Col. Sitthiphone Labounmy
Maj. Soley Bounheung
Capt. Sengdeun Phetthavong
Capt. Ms.khampok Phunthavongsa
Lt. Ms.Vongphachanh Chanthavongsa
Lt. Bounxoy
S Lt. Chanthavong Ounvilayhong
Cor. Souvet Sidakham
Cor. Anousone Simvongsa
Pfc Bounsu Xayyaphen

Section of World News

Maj. Keonilanh Vongvilay
Maj. Ms.Bounthavy Vannaly
Maj. Ms.Yansada Sengdavong
Maj. Khamsavath Sengsaichaem
Capt. Phounsup Phongsavath
Capt. Vixian Keophaseud
Pfc. Ms.Vilayphone sonemanila

Section of News Network and Colleagues

Lt. Col. Ms.Souksavath Duangmixay
Lt. Col. Sonfay Chanthalangsy
Lt. Col. Sivixay Malichanh
Lt. Ms.Tou Nada
Lt. Khamdy Xayalath

Section of Administration and Maketting

Lt. Col. Souphanhsa Khammy
Lt. Col. Bounthalaen Kaenyangouthone
Lt. Col. Duangphachanh Luangnikone
Lt. Col. Ms. Phannaly Phetmixay
Lt. Col. Ms. Chanhvieng Sommanivanh
Maj. Ms. Manivone Chanthavong
Capt. Ms. Toumkham Xaysouvanh
Capt. Kongsaden Sombatchaleun
Capt. Souksavanh Anoumone
Lt. Launganou Sithongma
S Lt. Sinouvin Keovonglut
WO. Vanxe Phongsavanh
WO. Feung Daophet

Section of Laying out Technique

Maj. Ms.Sengkham Xayathak
Maj. Ms. Vanphone Homvonga
Maj. Ms. Khamphone Vongphachanh
Maj. Ms. Phaivanh Chanthivong
Capt. Ms Sonaly Chaleunsouk
Capt. Bounthavy Inthamid
Capt. Anouphone Xayphunya
Capt. Anouluk Vongphachanh
Lt. Ms.Phonephet Sibounthun
Lt. Ms.Moukda Chanthavong
Pfc. Phet Xayyavan
Pfc. Phimmasone Keopasert

Section of Online Newspaper

Lt. Col. Sengphachanh Sengvongxay
Maj. Phitsamay Sonevilai
Maj. Ms. Metta Kittiphanh
Maj. Boualao Sophavady
Capt. Somphet Chanthavilayvong
Capt. Nang Lathvilay
Capt. Sounet Vongphouthone
Lt. Kolaem Aphayavong
Pfc. Noudang Phommasone

Lao People’s Army Newspaper office is located at Ministry of Defence Compound, Kaysone Phomvihane Avenue.
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