
Tuesday, 14 January 2025





          The Lao People's Democratic Republic ( Lao PDR ) strictly follows the guideline on public security in which everyone has the obligation to protect their own country.

           Geography :

          Lao PDR is located in the center of Indochina. It has an eastern border of 1,957 km with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a northern border of 416 Km with the People's Republic of China, a north-western border of 230 km with the Union of Myanmar, a western border of  about 1,840 km with the Kingdom of Thailand and a southern border of about 492 km with the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The country has land area of 236,800 square Kilometres and a total population of 5.7 million (2005), with an average annual growth rate of 2.4 percent. People share a rich ethnic diversity, comprising 47 different groups such as Hmong, Khmu, Yao, A'kha, Ikoh, Lu etc. Most of them have kept their own customs, dialects and traditional dress.

The armed forces’ organization:

The armed forces of the Lao PDR includes the Lao People’s Army         ( LPA )and the public security ( police ) force. The LPA comprises of regular, recruit, local and militiamen forces. According to the constitution of the Lao PDR, the President is the head of the armed forces; all the armed forces are directly under the leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

 The forces in the army are the main forces, which undertake the task of defensive military operation and assist to maintain peace and safeguard the nation sovereignty, territorial integrity from outside aggression.

 The public security forces have the duty to maintain internal peace, stability and social order. While the militia forces are responsible for combat readiness support, defensive operation and help to maintain internal social order.

 Defence policy:

Since the proclamation of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on December 2, 1975, the Government of the Lao PDR has directed all the multi-ethnic people to effectively implement two strategic tasks. Firstly, preserving people’s democratic power. Secondly, healing the wounds of war, rehabilitating production, expanding economy and culture of the new regime, stabilizing and improving the material and spiritual living condition of the people.

 In order to defence and safeguard the nation’s independence,  sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to ensure the basic political stability and social order, the Government pays more attention to the building and development of national defence and security forces, gradually turning them into modern forces. The central security and defence sectors have the role of extending guidance and assistance to local forces in implementing their duties as well as in building and strengthening the militia and self-defence forces to be the pillar of the nation.

 The Party and Government of the Lao PDR have paid special attention to enhance the capacity and steadfastness of the forces involved in internal protection, narcotic drug control and supervision and safeguarding economic infrastructure.

 Ideological and political educations are increasingly paid attention to make cadres and combatants be honest, loyal to the Party, wholeheartedly serve the nation and people, commit strict disciplines, know how to mobilize for the building of political grassroots, help people in development of their localities and build on site logistic for self-sufficientcy.

 Function of armed forces:

1. Defence state sovereignty, unity, security and territorial integrity.

2. Consolidate national defence and resist all aggression. Adhere to non-aligned principle and strict to the principle of not participating in any military blocs, not allow any foreign military bases in the country, neither invade nor interfere with other countries’ internal affairs.

3. Maintain the capacity to ensure stability and social order to protect the national interests.

4. Adhere to the concept of publicly national defence under renovation policies.

5. Protect national borders from outside encroachment and suppress all forms of transnational crimes. Keep good relationship and cooperation with neighboring countries; Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Continue to cooperate in on going border survey and demarcation with Thailand and Cambodia.

6. Contribute to national development and disaster relief. Pushing up national production to improve the people’s living standard.

7. Build the defence forces by enhancing the qualities and strong senses of discipline.

8. Contribute to the world peace. Oppose armament competition. Support community for promoting global and regional peace, security and stability.

 Defence’ S External Affairs:

Lao PDR has independently conducted external and diplomatic ties to strengthen military relationship and strategic link aiming at creating a favorable environment for renovation tasks. It has proceeded to the exchange of military delegations to strengthen cooperation with Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Russia,  Thailand, USA and Vietnam. These countries have nominated their Defence Attaches' Offices in Laos and Laos also opens its offices of Defence Attaches in these countries. Apart from that, Laos also maintains military relations with France, North Korea, Cuba, Philippines and India. Laos will continue to strengthen military relations and cooperation with other countries on the basic of the five principles of peaceful coexistence.

 Laos adheres to settle conflicts through dialogue and consultation on the basic of mutual understanding and creative confidence. Laos will actively participate in the activities of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations ( ASEAN ) and will strongly support the political and security cooperation in ASEAN and transform ASEAN into a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality (ZOPFAN) and a Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ), stability, cooperation and development.

Lao People’s Army Newspaper office is located at Ministry of Defence Compound, Kaysone Phomvihane Avenue.
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